Street level photo of West Village with a Rainbow

Happy 2021 and welcome to a new year of our monthly newsletter. This April marks our 15th Anniversary and in celebration of this special occasion, each month we will be featuring a photo from our archive. Above – A full rainbow in 2017 over our home in the UC Davis West Village.

Meeting image from EEI Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors & Special Guests Discuss California’s Energy Future


Distinguished leaders in industry, government, public interest organizations, and academia serve on the EEI Board of Advisors. The Board met virtually in December with EEI’s Director, faculty leaders, researchers, staff, and students to provide valuable insight and advice on industry/market trends, research opportunities, and funding strategies. [Meet our Board]

Candid meeting photo of Jill Anderson

Energy Executives Teach Interactive Course


This quarter UC Davis MBA and Energy Graduate Group students are participating in an interactive class taught by senior energy executives. In each class, a guest executive presents a case study challenge that students work on interdisciplinary teams to solve. [Course Website]

Interior photo of a modern kitchen

Lighting Education Videos Released


The California Lighting Technology Center developed a series of lighting education videos in support of the 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24).  The videos cover four key topics: Lighting Controls Technologies & Requirements, Lighting Alterations, Lighting Controls Acceptance Testing, and High Efficacy Lighting. [Watch Videos]
WCEC lab photo with engineers at work

Cooling Center Publishes Annual Research Highlights


In their new publication, the Western Cooling Efficiency Center shares notable developments from the past year, including their continued efforts to research and demonstrate key technologies and improve market conditions for increased adoption of energy efficient solutions. [Read Highlights]
Grey Egret on floating solar panels

Roadmap to Renewables Unites Climate and Sustainability Goals


A global energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy may mitigate climate change, but may also undermine the capacity to achieve some or all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. A new study from UC Davis and John Hopkins University aims to help decision-makers avoid the unintended environmental consequences of renewable energy development. [Read Study]
EGG student group shot

Now Accepting Applications to our Energy Graduate Group


The UC Davis Energy Graduate Group offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in energy systems. Students take relevant coursework from across the UC Davis campus and conduct interdisciplinary research to address pressing energy challenges. The general application deadline is April 1. [Apply Now] 
EGG student shaking hands with a career recruiter

Virtual Energy Internship & Career Fair


UC Davis students connected with representatives from 12 energy-related companies during our third annual Fair. This event was hosted virtually in partnership with the UC Davis Internship and Career Center.


General Deadline for UC Davis Energy Graduate Group
M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees in Energy Systems
Associate Director
California Lighting Technology Center