California Lighting Technology Center
The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) stimulates, facilitates, and accelerates the development and commercialization of next-generation, energy-efficient lighting and daylighting technologies.
Western Cooling Efficiency Center
The Western Cooling Efficiency Center (WCEC) accelerates development and commercialization of efficient heating, cooling, and energy distribution solutions through stakeholder engagement, innovation, R&D, education, and outreach.

Materials Decarbonization and Sustainability Center
The Materials Decarbonization and Sustainability Center (MDSC) advances the development and use of sustainable low-carbon materials such as cement and steel. Our research uses a life-cycle approach considering: extraction, manufacturing, use, function and end-of-life management to comprehensively address sustainability and functional requirements.

Wild Energy Center
The Wild Energy Center facilitates research, education, and outreach on the interactions between energy development and Earth’s systems. Wild Energy Center is led by professor Rebecca Hernandez, who has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, including leading author articles in Nature Climate Change, Nature Sustainability, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Hernandez and her research has been featured in print, radio, and video in over 150 news outlets, including NPR, National Geographic, Scientific American, The Washington Post, and Popular Science.
Industrial Decarbonization Solutions Hub
The Industrial Decarbonization Solutions Hub (IDSH) collaborates with public and private sector leaders to pioneer cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions aimed at empowering industries to enhance their economic competitiveness while reducing their environmental impact.

Center for Water-Energy Efficiency
The Center for Water-Energy Efficiency (CWEE) researches, develops, and disseminates efficient technologies and system-based policies for the integrated conservation of water and energy resources.

Market Transformation Research Program
The Market Transformation Research Program conducts research at the nexus of technology, policy, and human behavior. The team leads research on technology adoption and diffusion from multiple vantage points to capture the complexity of energy transitions. The MTRP’s research focuses on occupant/user experience, stakeholder barriers and opportunities, and market outlook, considering the economic, technical and policy landscape. The team uses a multi-methods research approach, deploying tools from a range of disciplines to capture the depth and breadth of each research topic.