Market Transformation Research Program

Research at the nexus of technology, policy, and human behavior.

Our Mission

Support the transition to a clean energy society by providing insights on the human side of technological change. We gather information to guide technology development and deployment to align with stakeholders’ needs in using, adopting, or promoting clean technologies. Our market outlook research aims to identify the barriers and opportunities for clean technology by considering the economic, technical, and policy landscape, as well relevant behavioral factors that influence stakeholder adoption.

The team leads research on technology adoption and diffusion from multiple vantage points – developers, customers, market, utility – to capture the complexity of energy transitions. In particular, the MTRP’s research focuses on occupant/user experience, stakeholder barriers and opportunities, and market outlook, considering the economic, technical and policy landscape.

The MTRP team uses a multi-methods research approach, matching the appropriate analytical tools for each research question. We collect data through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and literature reviews. Drawing on training in the fields of policy analysis, statistics, sociology, economics and anthropology, the team conducts both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are often paired to cover the depth and breadth of a topic, first asking exploratory questions to understand the landscape, and then illustrating the patterns that emerge from casting a wider net.

The MTRP collaborates with many researchers both on-campus (e.g., Western Cooling Efficiency Center, Consumer Energy Interfaces, Human Ecology, Engineering, Public Health, Energy Storage Lab, Agriculture, Community Regional Development Department) and off-campus (e.g., TRC, Energy Solutions, EPRI, LBNL, CBE, Ghoulem Research).