In 2015, the UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute, in collaboration with all of the Energy and Transportation research centers at UC Davis, launched the Senior Policy Fellowship program to increase and extend the impact of the ongoing research, education, and outreach of University faculty, staff, and students in the fields of sustainable energy, transportation, and energy efficiency. The Senior Policy Fellow, and supporting program, has provided a valuable resource for researchers working on technology development and policy analysis by advancing their efforts to inform and influence policymakers, at the local, state, and national level. The Senior Policy Fellow was supported by an informal Industry Advisory Council. The Council gave active parties in the private sector an opportunity to provide valuable feedback, and to help bring relevant research to the attention of the marketplace.
Nancy Skinner as Senior Policy Fellow
State Senator Nancy Skinner served as Senior Policy Fellow for the UC Davis energy and transportation programs from April 2015 to October 2016. Her expertise helped ensure that energy and transportation research informed and influenced policymakers at the local, state, and national level.
Key Accomplishments
“I had a great year as Senior Policy Fellow with the Energy and Efficiency Institute. The Energy, Transportation, and Policy Institute research cluster at West Village is a vibrant community engaged in cutting edge and innovative research, with great potential for interfacing with and influencing the public and private sector.”
—Nancy Skinner, former UC Davis Senior Policy Fellow on Energy and Transportation Policy
Participated in Leading Forums
- Skinner served on the Global Climate Leadership Council (GCLC), the task force coordinating the University of California’s systemwide Carbon Neutrality Initiative.
- Skinner secured speakers for, and served as facilitator for, the Government Leaders panel at the UC Systemwide Climate Summit held in October 2015 at UC San Diego. She also advised on content and author submissions for the University of California’s Bending the Curve report.
Convened High-Level Workshops
- Skinner convened three workshops between April and August 2016 on key energy topics. A variety of stakeholders participated in these workshops, bringing valuable insights and stimulating energizing discussions. Summaries of these workshops are available here.
- Skinner brought together energy industry leaders for a workshop on helping K-12 schools make the most of Prop 39 funding to ensure that more money goes back to classrooms rather than toward operational costs.
Facilitated Key Interactions
- Skinner facilitated key interactions between energy and transportation researchers and staff and policymakers, such as with commissioners at the California Energy Commission.
- Skinner coordinated review and comments on draft legislation, such as legislation aimed at increasing energy efficiency of commercial and residential buildings built prior to Title 24.
Spoke at Conferences and Seminars
- Skinner served as a guest instructor and advisor, and assisted with syllabus development, for a UC Davis graduate seminar Translating Research to Policy.
- Skinner spoke at a number of conferences and seminars, including the Alliance for Clean Technology Solutions, the United Nations Association Climate Symposium, and the California Association of Environmental Professionals.
About Nancy Skinner
Elected in November 2016, State Senator Skinner represents California’s 9th District. A social justice advocate, energy and climate expert, and an accomplished legislator, Skinner completed three terms in the State Assembly. In the Assembly, she served as Chair of three committees: Budget, Rules, and Natural Resources. During her time in the Assembly, Skinner authored dozens of important new laws. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley with a B.S. and an M.A.
For more information, please contact Benjamin Finkelor.