Normalizing extreme weather

Normalizing extreme weather Outlet Full Name: ABC Radio National News Date: October 21, 2020 . Guest: Fran Moore, Assistant Professor at The University of California, Davis For stories and solutions to the climate challenge,…
UC Davis drives energy efficiency on campus with data insights

UC Davis drives energy efficiency on campus with data insights Outlet Full Name: News Date: October 8, 2020 The University of California, Davis credits its collection of energy-use data to reduce the campus’ carbon footprint…
To safely reopen schools, we have to talk about indoor air quality and ventilation

As counties across California look to reopen schools for onsite instruction, education and public health officials need to ask themselves a very important question: Have we made sure all schools and classrooms have adequate fresh air ventilation to reduce coronavirus transmission? Read full story
Assembly Bill 841 will make schools safer with better ventilation for when students return

Assembly Bill 841 will make schools safer with better ventilation for when students return Outlet Full Name: Sacramento Bee News Date: September 24, 2020 ventilation in schools posed a significant health risk to students. UC Davis researchers recently found 85% of California …
California is banning gas-powered car sales. Here’s how it will work

California is banning gas-powered car sales. Here’s how it will work Outlet Full Name: News Date: September 24, 2020 David Rapson, an associate professor of economics at the University of California, Davis, and director of the Davis …
California looks to ban gas guzzlers – but legal hurdles abound

California looks to ban gas guzzlers – but legal hurdles abound Outlet Full Name: MIT News Date: September 23, 2020 Kendall, professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Davis. Indeed, the order …
Honda Smart Home Can Be Powered by Electric Car

Honda Smart Home Can Be Powered by Electric Car Outlet Full Name: Spectrum News News Date: September 22, 2020 Honda Motor Co. in Torrance. For six years, Honda has been operating its Smart Home on the campus of the University ……
How California Became Ground Zero for Climate Disasters

How California Became Ground Zero for Climate Disasters Outlet Full Name: New York Times News Date: September 20, 2020 The same manufactured landscapes that have enabled California’s tremendous growth, building the state into a $3 trillion economy that is home to one in 10 Americans, have also left it more exposed to climate shocks, experts […]
Why Aren’t We Heeding Mother Nature’s Warnings?

Why Aren’t We Heeding Mother Nature’s Warnings? Outlet Full Name: Bloomberg News Date: September 19, 2020 Wildfires from California to the Arctic permafrost are failing to convince enough people of the urgency for action on climate change.
The Air Quality’s Terrible Out There. So How Can You Keep It Clean Indoors?

The Air Quality’s Terrible Out There. So How Can You Keep It Clean Indoors? Outlet Full Name: KQED News Date: September 11, 2020 we create, says Theresa Pistochini, engineering manager at the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Institute and Western Cooling Efficiency……