Welcome to the UC Davis Energy Graduate Group! We are thrilled to have you join us at UC Davis this fall to pursue a degree in energy systems.
To kickoff your graduate education here, we would like to invite you to participate in our first Power Trip—a 4-day orientation adventure for incoming Energy Graduate Group students.
This trip will:
- ) Introduce you to a wide variety of energy research and policy work at UC Davis and in the Sacramento/Bay areas; and
- ) Provide you with the opportunity to get to know the other Energy Graduate Group students prior to starting the academic year.
We are currently planning the details of the trip, but would like you to save the dates and plan on attending. The cost of participation will be covered by the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Center.
What: Energy Graduate Group Power Trip
When: Monday, September 11th to Thursday, September 14th
Tentative Itinerary:
- Monday: Day trip to local area of interest (e.g.,Tahoe or Muir Woods).
- Tuesday: Sacramento Energy Day with site visits, discussions, and tours. Possible locations include: Sacramento Municipal Utility District, California Energy Commission, and the CA Independent System Operator.
- Wednesday: San Francisco Bay Area Energy Day with site visits, discussions, and tours. Possible locations include: Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Sun Power, Chevron, and a battery company.
- Thursday: UC Davis Energy Day with site visits, discussions, and tours. Possible locations include: California Lighting Technology Center, West Village, Honda Smart Home, Western Cooling Efficiency Center, Solar Farm, and the Biodigester.
Transportation: We will provide van transport from UC Davis each day. We may also do some biking, walking, and/or train travel as part of this orientation.
Accessibility: We want to ensure our activities are accessible to all our incoming students. Please let us know if you have a disability so we can ensure every event is accessible.
Cost: Free
Housing: All trips are day trips and so housing will not be provided.
Please RSVP to Annemarie Schaaf as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 23. Please also submit a signed copy of the attached waiver if you plan on attending.
If you have any questions, please contact Annemarie at aschaaf@ucdavis.edu; or 530-752-0247.