The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Congratulations to our First Energy Systems Graduate
Zane McDonald recently graduated with a dual degree in Transportation Technology & Policy and Energy Systems, He is the first graduate of the UC Davis Energy Graduate Group. Zane is now working for Standard & Poors in New York.

We Hosted our First Joint Annual Affiliates Forum
The UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute and its affiliated research centers hosted their first joint Affiliates Forum. Nearly 150 people attended, including current and potential affiliates, as well as current and potential collaborators at UC Davis and state and non-profit agencies. The theme of this forum was Integrated Energy Solutions. [More]

CLTC Evaluated an Integrated Outdoor Lighting Solution
Through its Affiliate Program, the California Lighting Technology Center has installed, tested and evaluated an outdoor lighting solution comprised of components from leading lighting manufacturers. [More]