The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Industry Leaders Gather for Annual Affiliates Forum
The Institute and its affiliated research centers hosted their annual Affiliates Forum on April 16th. Over 150 people attended, including leading industry partners in utilities, technology, impact investment, and retail, as well as influential advocacy leaders and energy regulators/policy makers. [More]

Welcome our New Affiliate Program Manager
Eddie Brutsch is the Institute's new Affiliate Program Manager. He will coordinate and develop collaborative research projects with our Affiliates, access to industry insight, and connections with faculty, staff, and students. To learn more about our Affiliate Program please click here.

Solar Pancakes on Picnic Day
We celebrated UC Davis' 105th Picnic Day with a Solar Pancake Brunch! Energy and Efficiency Institute Faculty Director Mark Modera and Institute of Transportation Founding Director Dan Sperling served pancakes, cooked via solar power, to our wonderful community of alumni, donors, and friends in UC Davis’ West Village.

Product Characterization Reports Released
As part of its efforts to evaluate Distributed Energy Resource products, the Cal-EPE Hub Team developed characterization reports for 9 technology sectors: Electric Space Conditioning, Electric Water Heating, Commercial Refrigeration, Energy Management and Information Systems, Building Fenestration and Windows, Plug Load Products, Lighting, Agricultural Irrigation Systems, and Energy Storage. Click here to see these reports.

Construction Advances on Mexico's New Lighting Technology and Design Research Center
California Lighting Technology Center Director Michael Siminovitch visited the the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara as construction continues on the lighting technology and design research center known as the Centro de Tecnología de Iluminación. CLTC is helping design the testing, demonstration and education spaces. [More]
Upcoming Events
Energy Bites Seminar