The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Professor Recognized for Outstanding Engineering Achievements
Professor Vinod Narayanan was elected to be a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, which honors the outstanding engineering achievements of members with over 10 years of related experience. Narayanan will be formally recognized at an upcoming ASME conference. [Read More]

Lighting Center Researches DC Lighting Systems
Direct current (DC) power distribution can potentially increase overall electrical system efficiency by eliminating losses associated with multiple AC-to-DC conversions. The California Lighting Technology Center analyzed DC lighting systems using centralized AC-to-DC power supplies providing up to 480 watts DC of output power. They found that, at this power capacity, the efficiency gains from the centralized conversion of AC-to-DC power did not offset the losses created by the multiple DC-to-DC conversion line losses and the added load of the peripheral control equipment. Additional testing is needed to understand the energy saving potential of DC lighting systems. [Read Article]

Check Out our Great Speakers and Register Now
On October 7, 2020 UC Davis will host (virtually) the second Global Energy Managers Workshop, where facility managers, students, and faculty from around the world will meet to share and learn about energy-saving, cost management, and carbon reduction strategies. We will have speakers from NRDC, SCE, UC Berkeley, NAVFAC, the Danish Technical University, The Cooper Union and more. See our great speaker line up and register for free. [Event Website]
Upcoming Events
September 14-16, 2020
October 7, 2020
Online: Global Energy Managers Workshop