The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Young Scientist Shows Potential of Solar Energy Development in Nonconventional Spaces
UC Davis Energy Graduate Group student Madison Hoffacker and colleagues published a study demonstrating how nonconventional spaces can be used to generate renewable energy while sparing lands that could be better used for food production and the conservation of ecosystems. [More…]

Saving Water Saves Energy and Reduces Greenhouse Gases Too
The UC Davis Center for Water-Energy Efficiency published a study showing that the 2015 mandated statewide reduction in water consumption saved 524,000 million gallons of water, which translates into 1830 gigawatt hours of electricity savings, and a reduction of 521,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases. [More...] In another recent study, UC Davis researchers and colleagues show that when consumers are informed of their water consumption rates, not only do they conserve water, they become more energy efficient as well. [More...]

Veterans to Energy Program Moving Forward
UC Davis established a partnership with CSU San Marcos, started teaching a course for student veterans, and is developing an “Energy Bootcamp” to provide veterans with core energy knowledge and skills, as well as the networks and partnerships, necessary to build a career in the energy field. We are also pleased to report that PG&E invested $40K to support this program. [More…]

Testing a New Technology that Reduces Food Waste and Energy Use
UC Davis received a grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research to test a new technology that improves the drying methods used in food production. [More…]