The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Board of Advisors & Special Guests Discuss California's Energy Future
Distinguished leaders in industry, government, public interest organizations, and academia serve on the EEI Board of Advisors. The Board met in December with EEI’s Director, faculty leaders, researchers, staff, and students to provide valuable insight and advice on industry/market trends, research opportunities, and funding strategies. [Meet our Board]

Institute and Research Centers Welcome New Partners
We are excited to welcome our newest partners, Panasonic and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Panasonic has joined the Institute as a Leadership Sponsor and the California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) and Western Cooling Efficiency Center as an affiliate. The NRECA has become an affiliate of the CLTC and Plug-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center.
Energy Executives Teach Interactive Course
This quarter UC Davis MBA and Energy Graduate Group students are participating in an interactive class taught by senior energy executives, including Jill Anderson (SCE), Arlen Orchard (SMUD), and Sharon Tomkins (SDG&E). In each class, a guest executive presents a case study challenge that students work on interdisciplinary teams to solve. [More]

Energy Students Connect with Employers
Students participating in our Emerging Energy Professionals Program connected with representatives from energy-related companies during a recent internship and career fair. This event was hosted in partnership with the UC Davis Internship and Career Center.

New Report on the Landscape of Residential Solar Water Heating in California
Despite the long history of solar thermal water heating, the literature on its use is scattered, siloed, and uneven in coverage. This report outlines the “landscape” of solar water heating for single-family residences in California, covering technologies, the supply chain and marketplace, households as purchasers and users, and data sources.

Optimizing Building Design and Operations
Thermal comfort, visual comfort, energy-efficiency and sustainability goals all influence our design and building operations decisions. In a recent article in LD+A Research, California Technology Lighting Center researcher Cori Jackson discusses building design and operation optimization, highlighting current research and several case studies.

Now Accepting Applications to our Energy Graduate Group
The UC Davis Energy Graduate Group offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in energy systems. Students take relevant coursework from across the UC Davis campus and conduct interdisciplinary research to address pressing energy challenges. The general application deadline is April 1. Apply Now
Upcoming Events
February 6, 2020
Special Seminar: Lighting Revolutions in Technology, Design, and Application
Dr. Morgan Pattison
April 18, 2020
Solar Pancake Breakfast on Picnic Day
Register Now
June 22-23, 2020
Energy Audit Bootcamp
Apply Now
April 1, 2020
General Deadline for UC Davis Energy Graduate Group
Apply Now - M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees in Energy Systems
General Deadline for UC Davis Energy Graduate Group
Apply Now - M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees in Energy Systems