This year is our 15th Anniversary and in celebration of this special occasion each month we will be featuring a photo from our archive. Above – established in 2007, the Western Cooling Efficiency Center accelerates the development and commercialization of efficient heating, cooling, and energy distribution solutions. The Center has an in-house laboratory with environmental chamber.

Board of Advisors & Special Guests Discuss California’s Energy Future
Distinguished leaders in industry, government, public interest organizations, and academia serve on the EEI Board of Advisors. The Board met virtually in June with EEI’s Director, faculty leaders, researchers, staff, and students to provide valuable insight and advice on industry/market trends, research opportunities, and funding strategies. [Meet our Board]

Congratulations to our 2021 Graduates
We are excited to announce that Imby Abath, Kristen Bush, Jin Wook Ro, and Alex Syrovoi graduated from the Energy Graduate Group. Best of luck to you all! [Watch Video]

Webinar Shares Lessons Learned in Converting UC Davis Buildings from Steam to Hot Water
The Big Shift is a transformative infrastructure project taking place on the UC Davis campus where building heating systems are being converted from steam heat that is generated by natural gas to hot water that is generated by electricity. In this webinar, UC Davis staff and partners discussed the project to date and lessons learned, including critical design considerations and the importance of stakeholder coordination. [Watch Video]

Working Towards Outcome-based Energy Codes
Outcome-based energy codes incorporate strategies that quantify a building’s actual energy performance over time to demonstrate code compliance. Compliance is linked with a building’s actual energy “outcome” which many be measured post-occupancy. The California Lighting Technology Center and partners are working to develop policy, code standards and best practice recommendations. [Learn More]

Sealing Technology Raises $22 Million
Aeroseal LLC, a company with a technology to better insulate buildings, raised $22 million from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a fund backed by Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates. The technology, AeroBarrier, was developed at UC Davis by professor emeritus Mark Modera of the Western Cooling Efficiency Center. [Learn More]
Upcoming Events
Energy Efficiency Day
October 6, 2021
Global Energy Managers Workshop (Hybrid Event)
October 19-21, 2021 at UC Davis
Stay Tuned for More Information