The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Launching New Project to Increase Adoption of Emerging Clean Energy Technologies through Procurement
The California Energy Commission recently awarded UC Davis' project to develop and establish the California Energy Product Evaluation (Cal-EPE) Hub. This Hub will improve adoption rates of distributed energy resources by providing comprehensive product reviews compiled in an on-line Buyer's Guide targeted to the needs of institutions and their procurement staff. The research team, led by UC Davis, includes Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, UC Berkeley, and Energy Solutions. [More]

Partnering with Mexican Institutions to Advance Energy Efficiency Goals
UC Davis received three awards from Mexico's Ministry of Energy and its National Council for Science Technology to work in partnership with Mexican institutions to advance energy efficiency. One of the awards will establish a "sister" Lighting Technology Center at Universidad Autonomous de Guadalajara. All of the projects will help grow capacity in Mexico to meet ambitious clean energy goals. [More]

New Report Released: How the University of California can Achieve Carbon Neutrality
Alan Meier, Mark Modera, and colleagues from across the UC campuses released a report on how the UC could replace natural gas with climate-friendlier options. The report's three-step process entails aggressively increasing energy efficiency across all ten campuses and five medical centers; replacing natural gas with biogas in the short term; and in the long run, electrifying all end uses of energy and switching to only renewable resources. [More]

Offering Fasttrack to Energy Careers for Veterans Bootcamp
In September, the EEI, in conjunction with PG&E, will host a 2-day training course for student veterans at UC Davis and in the greater Sacramento-Bay Area region (including students at community colleges and CSU campuses) interested in pursuing careers in the energy field. Participants will learn about building energy use and efficiency, get hands on experience, learn how to conduct a basic energy audit, and network with professionals in the energy field. [More]