The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university’s energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

The Center for Water-Energy Efficiency recently launched WaterWatch Software as the first water system operations ‘plug and play’ simulator that provides rapid decision support and operational recommendations for water and energy management, infrastructure planning, and more. WaterWatch enables efficiency, operations, and engineering teams to collaboratively manage resources from the larger context of system operations. [Learn More]

Adaptive Lighting in Outdoor Security Applications
Outdoor areas with heightened security requirements are often excluded from adaptive lighting control requirements and these areas remain lit with high, uniform levels of static illumination. To address this gap, the California Lighting Technology Center partnered with the Office of Naval Research to evaluate the energy-savings potential and end-user acceptance of adaptive lighting for outdoor security applications. [Read the Report]

Decarbonizing Affordable Housing
Researchers published a new report on stakeholder experience developing lower-carbon affordable multi-family housing. Three case communities in California were studied to yield insights about the decisions, challenges, and successes that emerged in the design, financing, operation, and maintenance of the buildings. [Read the Report]

Now Accepting Applications to our Energy Graduate Group
The UC Davis Energy Graduate Group offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in energy systems. Students take relevant coursework from across the UC Davis campus and conduct interdisciplinary research to address pressing energy challenges. The priority application deadline is January 15. Attend our virtual information session on December 16. [Apply Now]

Virtual Energy and Engineering Internship & Career Fair
Join us on January 25th! Connect with UC Davis students and alumni across all majors who are looking for opportunities to contribute to a clean energy future. [Find out More]
Upcoming Events
Energy Fall Seminar Series (Virtual)
Every Friday through December 3, 2021
Information Session – UC Davis Energy Graduate Group (Virtual)
December 16, 2021
Energy & Engineering Career Fair (Virtual)
January 25, 2022