The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Refrigerant with Low Global Warming Potential Performs Well
Western Cooling Efficiency Center researchers evaluated the performance of a refrigerant with low global warming potential. The alternative refrigerant had similar performance to the predominant refrigerant used today. Read the case study.

Program Fast Tracks Intern and Career Opportunities
The Institute is providing the connections and opportunities 30 UC Davis undergraduate and graduate students need to succeed in an internship and/or career in the energy sector as part of its Emerging Energy Professionals Program. If you have an internship/career opportunity please contact us or attend our January 28th career fair.
Register Now - UC Solar Thermal Symposium on November 15th at UC Davis
Join representatives from R&D agencies, research institutions, and industry in identifying solar thermal driven solutions for medium and high temperature industrial applications. This Symposium is at UC Davis from 8am to 5pm on November 15th. Register by November 1.

Researchers Showcase their Work at Energy Summit
We were excited to showcase our work at the ET Summit in Sacramento. Professor Mark Modera, Theresa Pistochini, and Caton Mande served on a panel exploring new technologies in commercial HVAC, while Professor Frank Loge served on a panel exploring the water-energy nexus in agriculture.

Influential Energy Leaders Participate in Fall Seminar Series
We have been honored to host a number of energy leaders on campus this fall to speak to our Energy Graduate Group and broader UC Davis community. See our upcoming and past speakers. Attend in person or via Zoom.

Make the Switch to Energy Efficiency
In recognition of Energy Efficiency Day (October 2), we released this blog. Make every day EE day by taking action. One great program you may be able to take advantage of is the Million LED Challenge. Mark your calendars for the next EE Day on Wednesday, October 7, 2020.
Upcoming Events
November 8
Seminar: Scientific and Engineering Challenges and Opportunities to Enable Net Zero Emissions Energy Systems
November 15
Seminar: Accelerating Renewable Energy Investments in California
November 22
Seminar: Title TBA (Rob Socolow)
January 15, 2020
Priority Deadline for UC Davis Energy Graduate Group
Priority Deadline for UC Davis Energy Graduate Group
Apply Now - M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees in Energy Systems
January 28, 2020
UC Davis Energy Internship & Career Fair
UC Davis Energy Internship & Career Fair
Register Now to Connect with UC Davis students!
Job Openings
Closes November 1
Professor & Director of the UC Davis California Lighting Technology Center