The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Where Does Your Energy Come From?
Recent Energy Graduate Group alumna, Madison Hoffacker, conducted an innovative study to identify where energy providers in California procure their energy. This is the first study of its kind to explore the spatial relationships between energy providers and their power resources. [Read More]

Saving Energy in Buildings When Nobody is in Them
A new blog by adjunct professor Alan Meier explores why energy consumption in office buildings has failed to appreciably drop during COVID-19 when people began working from home. He dicusses data from research at UC Davis and the particular challenges associated with Misellaneous Electrical Loads. [Read the Blog]

Partnership to Evaluate New General Illumination-Based Disinfection Methods
The California Lighting Technology Center is partnering with LED GREEN Light International to evaluate new general illumination-based disinfection methods. CLTC’s evaluation focuses on the benefits and barriers specific to retrofitting healthcare and education buildings. [More]

Grad Student Explores Benefits of Floating Photovoltaic Solar Installations
Placing solar panels on water can save land needed for agriculture and conservation. In a newly published study, Energy Graduate Group student Alex Cagle evaluated the land sparing, water surface use efficiency, and water surface transformation of four floating photovoltaic solar energy installations. [Read Paper]

Now Accepting Applications to our Energy Graduate Group
The UC Davis Energy Graduate Group offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in energy systems. Students take relevant coursework from across the UC Davis campus and conduct interdisciplinary research to address pressing energy challenges. The priority application deadline is January 5. [Apply Now]

Practioners Gathered for Annual Global Energy Managers Workshop
On October 7, 2020 UC Davis hosted (virtually) the second Global Energy Managers Workshop, where over 190 facility managers, students, and faculty from around the world met to share and learn about energy-saving, cost management, and carbon reduction strategies. View the presentation slides and talks on our Event Website.
Upcoming Events
November 6, 2020
Energy Seminar
Dr. Jessica Granderson, LBNL
November 13, 2020
Energy Seminar
Dr. Catherine Wolfram, UC Berkeley
November 20, 2020
Energy Seminar
Mary Susan Abbo, Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation