The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Welcome to the New Class of Energy Graduate Group Students
UC Davis welcomed the second class of Energy Graduate Group students. During their first week on campus, students participated in an orientation program–Power Trip– to learn about the wide variety of energy related research and policy work being conducted at UC Davis and in the Sacramento/Bay area through discussions with researchers and leaders from industry, government, public interest groups, and academia. Meet the students and read their Power Trip blog.

Global Climate Action Summit Highlights

President Napolitano Takes the Million LED Challenge
The California Lighting and Technology Center relighted UC President Janet Napolitano’s office with high-quality, energy efficient LED lights provided by the Million LED Challenge.

Veterans and Other Students Participate in Energy Audit Bootcamp
Upcoming Events
Seminar–Ground Hog Day: The Making of California Energy Policy and Cyclical Crisis (Bob Foster)