The monthly UC Davis Energy newsletter covers the university's energy-related research, education and events. You can read current and past newsletters below or subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.

Welcome to the New Class of Energy Graduate Group Students
UC Davis welcomed its fourth class of Energy Graduate Group students. Orientation was a little different this year with students participating in 4 days of virtual discussions. Our 10 incoming students learned about the wide variety of energy related research and policy work being conducted at UC Davis and in the Sacramento/Bay area. [Meet the students]

Fall Energy Seminar Series Kicks Off
Starting October 9, we will host a weekly seminar with energy leaders from around the nation and world. Our first speaker is Dr. Lilo Pozzo from the University of Washington. She will be speaking on the Hurricane Maria Energy and Health Project. [Attend via Zoom]

Impact of Residential Heating System Electrification Varies Depending on U.S. Location
The Western Cooling Efficiency Center used annual energy simulations and marginal emissions rates for the electricity grid across the US to estimate the change in annual CO2 emissions for replacing a residential natural gas furnace with a heat pump (HP) that used either electric resistance or natural gas for backup heat. Researchers found that in regions of the US where marginal CO2 emissions are high, electrification with HPs may increase overall CO2 emissions and HPs with backup gas heat may have lower emissions compared to all electric HPs. Future investments in renewables on the electricity grid will improve CO2 emissions associated with electric HPs. [Read the report]

Celebrate Energy Efficiency Day and California Clean Air Day
Saving energy and clean air go hand in hand. October 7 is Energy Efficiency Day and California Clean Air Day. Find out simple actions you can take to make a difference today and every day. One way to celebrate is to join us for our Global Energy Managers Workshop (see below).

Join Us Next Week at the Global Energy Managers Workshop
On October 7, 2020 UC Davis will host (virtually) the second Global Energy Managers Workshop, where facility managers, students, and faculty from around the world will meet to share and learn about energy-saving, cost management, and carbon reduction strategies. We will have speakers from NRDC, SCE, UC Berkeley, NAVFAC, the Danish Technical University, The Cooper Union and more. See our great speaker line up and register for free. [Event Website]
Upcoming Events
October 7, 2020
Online: Global Energy Managers Workshop
October 7, 2020
October 9, 2020
Dr. Lilo Pozzo, University of Washington
October 16, 2020
Energy Seminar: What a Demand-Side Energy Transformation Entails for Ambition and Justice
Dr. Narasimha Rao, Yale University
October 23, 2020
Energy Seminar
Dr. Jack Brouwer, UC Irvine
October 30, 2020
Energy Seminar
Dr. Kirsten Jenkins, University of Edinburg