Congratulations to our 2023 Energy Graduate Group graduates!
We are delighted to share the news that Kabian Ritter, Brianna Dooley, Meg Slattery, Kristi Dayemo, Galym Iskakov, Sienna Levine, Calleagh Turner, Kelsi Titus, Kelvin Ke, Tanner Palmer, Rachel Field, Joshua Ira, Lucas Beslow, and Alex Cagle participated in the June graduation ceremony at UC Davis. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and admiration for your achievements. Best of luck to you all!

WCEC Receives Best Paper Award from ASHRAE
Erfan Rasouli, Emily Fricke and Vinod Narayanan were recipients of the Science and Technology for the Built Environment Best Paper Award for “High Efficiency 3-D Printed Microchannel Polymer Heat Exchangers for Air Conditioning Applications.” The award is for the best paper published in the volume year of the Science and Technology for the Built Environment, the ASHRAE research journal.

Enroll as a Participant to Improve Your Building’s Energy Efficiency and Comfort
If you are the owner or operator of buildings that have packaged rooftop HVAC units, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) is providing free technical assistance and recognition opportunities. This assistance is aimed at helping you enhance the control and monitoring of your rooftop units, which has been shown to result in a 10-20% reduction in energy costs and improvement in comfort and maintenance practices.
Our Smarter Small Buildings campaign, sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE) and in partnership with UC Davis, is designed to help you make a business case for improved control RTU controls, product selection, installation, and operational best practices. The campaign can provide assistance in making a compelling business case for these enhancements. Furthermore, the campaign offers recognition opportunities for outstanding implementation of these measures. By enrolling in the campaign, you agree to participate in surveys and fulfill data requests as a campaign participant.

Energy Code Lighting Language Cleanup Initiative
The California Lighting Technology Center, in collaboration with Southern California Edison, RMS Energy Consulting LLC, and the California Energy Alliance, established a working group of industry stakeholders to develop recommendations that simplify and clarify the nonresidential and residential lighting and lighting controls language contained in the 2022 Energy Code.

EEI Seeks Post-Doctoral Researcher in Materials Decarbonization
The Energy and Efficiency Institute at the University of California, Davis, is seeking one post-doc to lead research in the area of low-carbon materials. The post-doc will participate in, lead, and develop new research projects in designing sustainable materials with an emphasis on assessing environmental burdens and integrating environmental impact assessment methods with material performance. The post-doc will develop means to robustly assess local, regional, and global burdens from materials consumption. The research will focus on cement-based materials (e.g., concrete), bio-derived materials (e.g., wood), alloys (e.g., steel), and/or polymeric materials (e.g., plastic).

Research Poster for a National Survey of Electrical Panels Using Citizen Scientists
There is surprisingly little data on electrical panel capacities in existing homes and the appliances attached to them. How many homes will need upgraded electrical panels before heat pumps, EVs and induction stoves can be installed?