EEI has more than 50 affiliated faculty from departments throughout UC Davis.

- Assistant Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Interests: Thermal Environment Modelling, HVAC Systems, Renewable Energy, Precision Livestock Farming

- Associate Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
- Co-Director, Center for Environmental Behavior
Research Interests: Hydraulic fracturing; regulation and policymaking

- Professor, Chemistry
Research Interests: Solar fuels; CO2 conversion; hydrogen production

- Assistant Professor, Human Ecology
Research Interests: City and regional planning; place-based policies and interventions; food-energy-water nexus; integrating agricultural ecosystems with urban areas; district heating

- Professor, Graduate School of Management
Research Interests: Consumer choice behavior and modeling; decision and management sciences

- Professor, Economics
Research Interests: Energy markets; utility regulation; climate change; environmental regulation

- Distinguished Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Associate Director, UC Agricultural Issues Center
Research Interests: Commodity markets; international trade; China’s rural economy

- Assistant Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Interests: Agriculture water management; irrigation & hydraulic engineering; crop & climate change modeling

- Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Director, California Small Hydro Collaborative
Research Interests: Combustion; hydropower; modeling and simulation

- Assistant Postharvest Engineering Specialist, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Interests: Postharvest engineering, handling, traceability & processing of agricultural commodities; reducing energy consumption

- Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Interests: Control optimization of energy systems

- Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Heat & mass transfer enhancement of reacting flows; fuel cell, hybrid drive & electric vehicles; energy systems

- Associate Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Energy Graduate Group Advisor for Science and Technology track
Research Interests: Biofuels; metabolic engineering; fermentation; process modeling

- Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Davis
Research Interests: Transportation, Energy Systems

- Assistant Professor, Design
Research Interests: Renewable energy; transportation fuels; energy efficiency

- Associate Professor, Chemistry
Research Interests: Biofuels, catalysis; chemical transformations to produce biofuels

- Professional Researcher, Plug-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center
Research Interests: Low carbon & innovative vehicle technologies

- Professor of Technology Management, Graduate School of Management
- Charles J. Soderquist Chair in Entrepreneurship, Graduate School of Management
Research Interests: Energy efficiency design and management

- Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Chair, Transportation Technology and Policy Graduate Group
- Director, University of California Pavement Research Center
Research Interests: Life cycle assessment; pavement engineering; alternative material development

- Associate Professor, Land, Air, Water Resources
- Director, Wild Energy Center
Research Interests: Environmental aspects of energy; renewable energy; sustainability science

- Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Chair/Director, California Renewable Energy Center
Research Interests: Energy systems; optimization; thermochemical conversion

- Assistant Professor, Institute of Transportation Studies
Research Interests: Alternative fuel vehicle adoption; transition to sustainable energy systems; quantitative policy analysis; big data statistical analysis

- Associate Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Interests: Cellulosic biofuels; bioconversion

- Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics
Research Interests: Environmental and energy economics; consumer and firm behavior

- Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Chair, Energy Graduate Group
Research Interests: Life cycle assessment; renewable energy; transportation energy

- Assistant Professor, Land, Air and Water Resources and Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Interests: Agricultural hydrology & water management; irrigation engineering; crop modeling & decision support

- Faculty Director, Energy and Efficiency Institute
- Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Chevron Endowed Chair in Energy Efficiency
Research Interests: Building and industrial energy efficiency; industrial decarbonization, process integration and heat pumps; renewable energy

- Assistant Adjunct Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Director, Program for International Energy Technologies & D-Lab
- Associate Director, UC Davis Blum Center for Developing Economies
Research Interests: Climate neutrality, energy efficiency; consumer behavior; renewable energy technologies

- Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Energy harvesting & storage systems; functional properties of materials; materials processing

- Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC Davis
- Director of the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Sustainable Technologies Research
Research Interests: Sustainable manufacturing and engineering

- Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Director, Center for Water-Energy Efficiency
- Krone Endowed Professor in Environmental Engineering
- Energy Graduate Group Advisor for Policy and Management track
Research Interests: Information technology; water/energy nexus; water/health; conservation; sustainable systems & technologies

- Professor, Chemistry
Research Interests: Integrated biorefinery; renewable fuels and materials; biomass valorization; biomass-derived platform chemicals

- Adjunct Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
- Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Energy Graduate Group - Admissions Chair
Research Interests: Energy efficiency; energy demand; economics; behavior and energy use

- Faculty Director, Materials Decarbonization and Sustainability Center
- Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests: Life cycle assessment; alternative materials development; sustainability and structural design

- Associate Professor and Vice Chair, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design
Research Interests: Multi-benefit climate change adaptation ; Transdisciplinary design practices ; Critical infrastructural studies ; Landscape fieldwork, ethnography, modeling, surveying and geospatial mapping

- Associate Director, Western Cooling Efficiency Center
- Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: End-use energy efficiency; energy distribution systems; building energy management; ventilation and indoor air quality

- Assistant Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
Research Interests: Economic and social impacts of climate change; energy-water-food nexus

- Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences
- Energy Graduate Group Advisor-Science & Technology Track
Research Interests: Solar materials

- Associate Professor, Economics
Research Interests: Regulation and taxation of energy markets; industrial organization; public finance; environmental policy

- Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Photovoltaics; hydrogen technologies

- Sempra Chair in Energy Efficiency
- Director, Western Cooling Efficiency Center
- Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Supercritical CO2; Novel heat-exchanger designs; Waste heat management

- Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics
- EGG Graduate Advisor-Energy & Policy Management Track
Research Interests: Environmental economics; applied econometrics

- Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science and Policy
- Not serving as primary faculty advisor for new students
Research Interests: Alternative fuels; energy transitions; hydrogen and fuel cells; energy infrastructure

- Professor, Chemistry
Research Interests: Solar energy; photovoltaics; photocatalytic water splitting; hydrogen; nanomaterials

- Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Director, UC Davis Green Transportation Laboratory
Research Interests: Efficiency energy systems; fuel cells; batteries; electric grid

- Assistant Agricultural Mechanization Specialist, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Research Interests: Agricultural mechanization, robotics & automation; precision agriculture & horticulture; machine vision & remote sensing

- Associate Professor, Economics
Research Interests: Energy economics; energy markets; energy policy

- Distinguished Professor, Plant Pathology
- Professor, Genome Center
- Director, Grass Genetics, The Joint Bioenergy Institute
- Faculty Director, Institute for Food and Agricultural Literacy
Research Interests: Biofuels; grass genetics; cell wall biosynthesis

- Research Environmental Psychologist
- Director, Consumer Energy Interfaces Lab

- Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Director, Scaled Model Aerospace and Research Laboratory (SMARTLAB)
- Co-Director, Transportation Noise Control Center (TNCC)
- Research Interests: Mobile renewable energy harvesting and storage, Autonomous Energy ships, Hybrid solar-wind energy, Flow-structure dynamic interactions

- Assistant Professor, Environmental Science & Policy
Research Interests: Environmental governance systems; environmental policy; land planning

- Professor, Design
- Director, California Lighting Technology Center
- Rosenfeld Chair in Energy Efficiency
Research Interests: Energy-efficient lighting technology and design

- Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology
Research Interests: Biofuels; waste-to-energy; water/energy nexus

- Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics
Research Interests: Biofuels; residential energy efficiency; energy price dynamics

- Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology
- Affiliated Faculty Member, Center for Water-Energy Efficiency
Research Interests: Water, energy, and food resource systems

- Founding Director, Institute of Transportation Studies
- Distinguished Blue Planet Prize Professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science and Policy
Research Interests: Transportation and energy systems; transportation and energy policy

- Director, EV Research Center
- Director, STEPS+
- Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
Research Interests: Alternative fuel vehicles; travel behavior; travel demand modeling; transportation planning

- Assistant Economic Development Specialist, Human Ecology
Research Interests: Energy cooperatives; environmental policy; wind energy

- Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Research Interests: Rational design of well-defined dimensionally reduced materials; nanoelectronics, energy conversion devices, and environmental remediation

- Professor, Human Ecology
Research Interests: Urban and regional planning; sustainability; climate action planning

- Faculty Co-Director, California Lighting Technology Center
- Associate Professor, Department of Design
Research Interests: urban lighting; visual comfort; impact of glare associated with daylighting