Economic and Environmental Cost of Hydro Flow Constraints
Jim Archsmith from UC Davis December 7, 2016
RIN Pass-Through to Retail E85 Prices Under the Renewable Fuel Standard
Gabe Lade from Iowa State University November 30, 2016
November 16, 2016 Steve Sexton from Duke University
The Local Environmental Consequences of Coal Procurement at U.S. Power Plants
Akshaya Jha from Carnegie Mellon University November 2, 2016
Energy Savings from Residential Building Codes: Evidence from Hourly California Smart-Meter Data
Aaron Smith and Kevin Novan from UC Davis October 26, 2016
Kyle Meng from UC Santa Barbara October 19, 2016
The Non-Abatement of Methane Leaks
Catie Hausman from University of Michigan October 12, 2016
Air Pollution and Criminal Activity: Evidence from Chicago Microdata
Published December 8, 2015 by Evan Hernstadt and Erich Muehlegger. View the abstract.Return to the Papers listing. | Download the paper. A large and growing literature documents the adverse impacts of pollution on health, productivity, educational attainment and socioeconomic outcomes. This paper provides the first quasi-experimental evidence that air pollution casually affects criminal activity. We exploit […]
Automating Optimal Policies Using Machine Learning: An Application to Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Residential Electricity Usage
Jake LaRiviere from Microsoft December 2, 2015
Policy Shocks and Market-Based Regulations: Evidence from the Renewable Fuel Standard
Erin Mansur from Dartmouth College November 18, 2015