Team Aggie Sol Wins Two Categories in U.S. DOE’s Solar Decathlon Competition

By Kat Kerlin Team Aggie Sol set out in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon to show that zero-net energy construction can be affordable. The team succeeded, tying for first place in the competition’s affordability contest. Team Aggie Sol also tied for first in the commuting contest, in which the decathlon called for each […]

UC Davis One Step Closer to Creating Zero-Net Energy Village

By Mike Luery | KCRA News Click here to view the TV report. A report released Wednesday by the University of California, Davis, shows the university is now one step closer to creating a community that produces as much energy as it uses. West Village, located on UC Davis land near the school campus center, […]

UC Davis Energy Manager Teaches Class in Denmark

By BreAnda Northcutt A unique partnership between UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, and Denmark’s Aalborg and Technical universities is helping find common ways to solve today’s energy challenges ­– despite the 5,259 miles that separate the two universities. Having recently returned from a week in Denmark teaching international students, Josh Morejohn, Energy Manager in UC […]

UC Davis Students Build Solar Homes for Farmworkers

By Gulstan Dart The UC Davis Solar Decathlon Team is building a solar-powered home geared toward the needs of farm workers and low-income communities. Students are building the Aggie Sol home for a competition put on by the US Department of Energy. The house utilizes a sprinkler system to shoot water into the sky from […]