EEI and the Western Cooling Efficiency Center had an impressive seven presentations at this month's ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Pacific Grove.

Sadia Gul
A Comprehensive Survey of Electrical Panel Capacities in U.S. Single-Family Homes and Implications for Nationwide Electrification

Alan Meier
GRIDSAVE: Mobilizing Conservation to Avoid Imminent Blackouts

Sarah Outcault
Stakeholder Perspectives on the Role of Standards in Establishing a Load Flexible Ecosystem
Supporting Technology Adoption in Commercial Buildings via a Central Resource for Product Information and Evaluations

Caton Mande
Optimizing Cost and Carbon Footprint: Laboratory Testing of Model Predictive Control for Smart Management of Heat Pump Water Heaters

Subhrajit Chakraborty
An Affordable, Minimum-carbon Hybrid Heat Pump with a Grid-Responsive Retrofittable Controller

Curtis Harrington
Field Evaluation of Affordable Low GWP Residential Heat Pumps
Aerosol Sealing Occupied Homes from Attics and Crawlspaces

Angela Sanguinetti
Demand Flexibility: Keeping Users in the Loop with “Invisible” Technologies