Field Study to Assess Occupant Experience of and Market Potential for Advanced Insulation Retrofit

The Market Transformation Research Team is supporting a project to develop and field test an advanced insulation retrofit solution using phase change material to achieve greater efficiency than standard approaches. The Team is leading occupant engagement and measuring pre- and post-retrofit satisfaction, experience, and behavior related to thermal comfort and conditioning of the participant homes. […]

Defining Future User Needs for the California Energy Product Evaluation Hub

UCD researchers are providing key inputs to a $13 million effort to establish the California Energy Product Evaluation Hub, a resource aimed at promoting adoption of advanced distributed energy resources among large commercial and institutional entities. The Team engaged hundreds of stakeholders from more than a dozen sectors to understand their purchasing needs and constraints, […]

Field Study to Assess Occupant Experience of and Market Potential for Low GWP Heat Pumps

The Western Cooling Efficiency Center is leading a new study to develop and demonstrate a new heat pump that uses refrigerant with low global warming potential (GWP). The project will monitor technical performance and occupant satisfaction before and after installation of the new equipment in demonstration homes. The Market Transformation Research Team is leading site […]

Energy Graduate Group Fall Seminar Series

As part of their education, every Energy Graduate Group student attends a fall seminar series that exposes them to eminent scholars and professionals who are engaged with a wide variety of key energy-related issues at the local, state, national and global level. These seminars are open to the public. Upcoming Events & Seminars EGG Seminar, […]

Orientation Program Blog: Power Trip 2019

In September, UC Davis welcomed its third class of Energy Graduate Group students. During their first week on campus, students participated in an orientation program–Power Trip– to learn about the wide variety of energy related research and policy work being conducted at UC Davis and in the Sacramento/Bay area through discussions with researchers and leaders […]

Industrial Decarbonization

Industry is responsible for approximately one-third of all energy consumption in the United States, more than any other sector of the economy. By evaluating energy efficiency opportunities in conjunction with demand side management opportunities, industry can minimize both cost and carbon emissions while also improving reliability and sustainability of production. While there are many opportunities […]

What EGG Students Have to Say

“My experience in the EGG program has been a positive one. This program has not only given me access to a supportive network of like-minded individuals, but it has also helped me gain experiences that will position me for a successful career in the energy sector. I’m grateful for all of the opportunities that I’ve […]