The Project Team identified and described product categories eligible for evaluation through the Hub in a series of characterization reports that are organized by 9 technology sectors. Each report provides:
- An overview
- Characterization of energy benefits, non-energy benefits, differentiation, installation pathways and dependencies
- List of products
- Quantification of performance
- References
Electric Space Conditioning (view report)
Electric space conditioning provides heating and/or cooling without using fossil fuels. Product categories evaluated:
- Heat Pumps
- Motors
- Ventilation Products
- Evaporative Cooling Products
- Thermal Distribution System Controls
- Aerosol Sealing for Ducts and Building Envelopes
- Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality Products
Electric Water Heating (view report)
Electric water heaters heat water without the use of fossil fuels. Product categories evaluated:
- Heat pump water heaters
- Grid enabled water heaters
- Solar water heaters
Commercial Refrigeration (view report)
Commercial refrigeration use a refrigeration cycle to create low temperatures suitable for storing refrigerated or frozen products. Product categories evaluated:
- Merchandise display cases
- Walk-in refrigerators and freezers
- Automatic commercial ice makers
Energy Management and Information Systems (view report)
Energy management and information systems use sensors and controls to collect and report building energy-related data, detect faults, and automate building systems. Product categories evaluated:
- Energy information systems
- Fault detection and diagnostic systems
- Building automation systems
Building Fenestration and Windows (view report)
Building fenestration and windows includes window and shading products that reduce heating and cooling loads in buildings. Product categories evaluated:
- Highly insulating windows
- Dynamic glazing
- Exterior shading
- Retrofit films
- Ventilation through the facade
Plug Load Products (view report)
Plug load products reduce the electricity used by devices that are plugged into wall outlets. Product categories evaluated:
- Plug and receptacle controls
- Enterprise servers with integrated power management
- Networked EV charging management services with grid integration
Lighting (view report)
Energy efficient lighting includes direct current lighting, lighting controls, light sources, and indoor lighting quality. Product categories evaluated:
- Direct current lighting
- Lighting controls
- Light sources
- Indoor lighting quality
- LED horticulture lighting
Agricultural Irrigation Systems (view report)
Agricultural irrigation systems include irrigation and pumping technologies that save electricity and water. Product categories evaluated:
- Pumping
- Irrigation
Energy Storage (view report)
Energy storage products store electrical (e.g. batteries) or thermal energy to manage electricity demand. Product categories evaluated:
- Peak electricity management
- Battery technology
Contact Information
For more information, please contact Rachael Larson.