On November 1st through November 3rd, 2016 UC Davis hosted the third NEPTUNE program review. The Naval Enterprise Partnership Teaming with Universities for National Excellence (NEPTUNE) is a pilot program of the U.S. Office of Naval Research providing multi-million dollar funding to six universities (Arizona State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Purdue, The Naval Academy, The Naval Postgraduate School, and UC Davis) to conduct energy research and train military personnel. NEPTUNE aims to help the Navy and Marine Corps discover ways to improve energy conservation, generate renewable energy, and implement energy-efficient technologies, while giving active-duty military, military students, and veterans the chance to immerse themselves in university-level research.
Approximately seventy-five people, with representatives from all six NEPTUNE universities, attended the event where student veterans and researchers presented updates on their projects and engaged with key faculty, university leadership, and government and industry energy leaders. Welcoming remarks were provided by Vice Admiral (retired) Mel Williams from the UC Davis Office of Research and Dr. Richard Carlin, Head of the Office of Naval Research’s Sea Warfare and Weapons Department. Other key speakers included Mary K. King, Vice President of Human Resources at Pacific Gas & Electric and Maria Medeiros, Program Officer for the Office of Naval Research’s Sea Platforms and Weapons Division. Participants received tours of the Jackson Sustainable Winery, California Lighting Technology Center, and facilities in West Village.
“We were thrilled to host the third NEPTUNE program review. This event offered faculty, staff, and students from across the country an opportunity to share information and advance our collective impact as part of the NEPTUNE program,” said Ben Finkelor, executive director of the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Center. “We look forward to continue working with the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the other five NEPTUNE universities to develop innovative sustainable energy solutions as well as best practices for effectively training and providing research opportunities for veterans.”
An agenda for the event can be found here.
More information on the UC Davis NEPTUNE program can be found here.