UC Davis Energy Industry Expert Discusses Drought Impact on Hydroelectric Power

Lake Oroville is a clear example of the hot, dry conditions affecting the kind of hydroelectric output California can muster from its dams and reservoirs. FOX40 has been looking at this situation and talking about it from several different angles since the height of the pool hit critically low levels. Watch Story

Is California Ready for Brown Lawns and Shorter Showers? Drought Requires Less Water Use

In the face of rapidly worsening drought conditions this week, Gov. Gavin Newsom urged all Californians to voluntarily cut their water usage by 15% — but what exactly does that mean for the average California household? The governor made his plea Thursday as he extended a regional state of drought emergency to 50 counties, comprising about 42% […]

U.S. West faces little-known effect of raging wildfires: contaminated water

Early this spring, water bills arrived with notes urging Fort Collins Utilities customers to conserve. The Colorado customers may have thought the issue was persistent drought in the U.S. West. But the problem was not the quantity of water available. It was the quality. Utilities are increasingly paying attention to a little-known impact of large-scale […]

Worried About Returning to the Office? What to Ask Your Boss to Ensure You’re Safe

As employees and students prepare for their return to offices and classrooms, an NBC Bay Area investigation reveals a surprising lack of oversight regarding indoor air quality, which may have led to more COVID-19 infections and deaths.  Experts argue the problem existed well before the pandemic and continues to threaten workplaces and schools across the […]

Dessouky, Nermin

Nermin Dessouky Ph.D. candidate nadessouky@ucdavis.edu Nermin is a Ph.D. candidate in Urban Geography at the University of California, Davis. Nermin has an M.Sc. in Sustainable Development, focusing on urban policy from the American University in Cairo and a Bachelor of Architecture. Prior to joining UC Davis, Nermin worked with the Research Institute for a Sustainable […]

Alston-Stepnitz, Eli

Eli Alston-Stepnitz ecalstonstepnitz@ucdavis.edu Eli Alston-Stepnitz is a PhD Candidate in Sociology, and holds an M.A. in Sociology. Prior to UC Davis, Eli worked as a researcher in the Health Equity Institute at San Francisco State University. He is interested in decarbonization and electrification especially as they intersect with access and equity. Specifically he is interested […]

Vernon, David

Photo of Dave Vernon in the WCEC Lab

David Vernon Co-Director of Engineering dvernon@ucdavis.edu David has a B.S. in Materials Engineering from the University of Wisconsin Madison, M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California Davis with a focus on energy systems. David is a member of the UC Davis Institute for Energy and Efficiency, a research center focused on […]

Video on the Importance of Filtration in Schools

graphic for the importance of filtration at schools. cartoon illustration of an HVAC tech testing airflows on a classroom BARD system.

Filtration works together with ventilation to improve indoor air quality. Filtration can capture and reduce exposure to some indoor and outdoor pollutants. In this video, we cover the basics of mechanical filtration and make simple recommendations to improve indoor air quality. Watch the video