On October 7, 2020 (Energy Efficiency Day) UC Davis hosted the second Global Energy Managers Workshop, where over 190 facility managers, students, and faculty from around the world met to share and learn about energy-saving, cost management, and carbon reduction strategies.
9:00 - 9:50am PST
Keynote Session – Addressing the Three Energy Challenges of Our Time: Resilience, Decarbonization & Education
Hosts: Dr. Kurt Kornbluth, Director of the Program for International Energy Technologies & D-Lab, UC Davis & Josh Morejohn, Energy Manager for Facilities Management, UC Davis (Presentation Slides)
NYC Carbon Challenge and Cooper Union Activism: Engaging Students to Address Critical Challenges and Opportunities of our Time
- Dr. Melody Baglione, Professor at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (Presentation Slides)
Addressing Energy Challenges in Developing Countries: How a UC Davis and Local Energy Service Company Partnership is Improving Energy Resilience, Decarbonization & Education in Cote d’Ivoire
- Jean-Phillipe Seya, Regional Engineering Manger Western & Central Africa, Aggreko International (Presentation Slides)
Biomethane as a Bridge to Resilience and Carbon Neutrality
- David Phillips, Associate Vice President for Energy and Sustainability, University of California Office of the President (Presentation Slides)
10:00 - 10:50am PST
Resilience Session – Case Studies for an Energy Secure Campus
Host: Matt St.Clair, Director of Sustainability, UC Office of the President
Energy Resiliency – A Navy Story
- Arnold Agustin, Supervisory Energy Manager, NAVFAC MIDLANT (Presentation Slides)
Modernizing Cogen: Balancing Cost, Carbon & Resiliency
- Bruce Chamberlain, Campus Energy Manager, UC Berkeley (Presentation Slides)
Danish Resilience: Power Supply Using EV and V2G in large labs
- Per Munch Jakobsen, Head of Laboratories, Technical University of Denmark and Thomas Sørensen, Business Development, Technical University of Denmark (Presentation Slides)
11:00 - 11:50am PST
Decarbonization Session – Electrification as a Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality
Host: Josh Morejohn, Energy Manager for Facilities Management, UC Davis
Navigating the Road to Decarbonization
- Arash Guity, Principal. LEAP/STEP & Dan Mendonsa, Energy Manager, UC Davis Health (Presentation Slides)
Wrangling Carbon @ Google
- Rolf Schreiber, Energy Strategy Program Manager, Real Estate & Workplace Services, Google
Electrification Progress, Potential, and Pitfalls at Berkeley Lab
- John Elliott, Chief Sustainability Officer, Berkeley Lab and Raphael Vitti, Senior Energy and Data Engineer, Berkeley Lab (Presentation Slides)
12:00 - 12:50pm PST
Lunch and Informal Chat with Energy Rockstars
Host: Dr. Kelly Kissock, Faculty Director of the Energy and Efficiency Institute, UC Davis
- Jill Anderson, Senior Vice President of Customer Service, Southern California Edison
- Ralph Cavanagh, Co-Director Energy Program, Natural Resources Defense Council
1:00 - 1:50pm PST
Education Session – Project-based Learning in Energy
Host: Dr. Kurt Kornbluth, Director of the Program for International Energy Technologies & D-Lab, UC Davis
Project-based Learning in Energy: Needs and Opportunities (Presentation Slides)
- Dr. Kurt Kornbluth, Director of the Program for International Energy Technologies & D-Lab, UC Davis
- Dr. Melody Baglione, Professor at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
- Devon Schmidt, Energy Graduate Group student, UC Davis
2:00 - 2:50pm PST
UC Davis Session – Energy Research & Projects
Host: Dr. Alan Meier, Adjunct Professor, UC Davis; Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Integrated Building Control Systems – A Key Building Block for Outcome-Based Energy Code
- Cori Jackson, Project Manager, California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis (Presentation Slides)
Refrigerant Use for Maintenance and Operations at a School District
- Theresa Pistochini, Engineering Manager, Western Cooling Efficiency Center, UC Davis (Presentation Slides)
Cows, Cold Water and Campus WiFI–UC Davis Charts its Course Toward Carbon Neutrality
- Josh Morejohn, Energy Manager, Facilities Management, UC Davis (Presentation Slides)
Workshop History
On October 22-24, 2019, energy managers from around the world gathered at UC Davis to discuss and share ideas for the future of their work. This event was hosted by UC Davis Facilities Energy & Engineering, in partnership with the Sustainable Campus, Sustainable Cities initiative. The agenda was packed with interesting presentations and discussions, including district energy optimization, energy coursework design, and utility metering, as well as campus tours. Presentations from this workshop can be found here.
Hosted By

If you have any questions about this event or need assistance with your registration, please contact:
Ali Loge