The First Five Years
This document highlights the accomplishments of the Energy Efficiency Center during its first five years.

WCEC Research Highlights - July 2018
The Western Cooling Efficiency Center shares notable developments from the past year, including their continued efforts to research and demonstrate key technologies and improve market conditions for increased adoption of energy efficient solutions. To access previous annual reports, please click here.

CLTC Celebrating a Decade of Innovation
The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) was created in 2003 to accelerate technology transfer from the laboratory to the marketplace by fostering collaboration among lighting and energy stakeholders. This report highlights the Center's key achievements during its 10 year history.

UC Davis West Village Energy Initiative Annual Report 2013-2014
UC Davis West Village (West Village) is a neighborhood on the UC Davis campus that is owned and operated by West Village Community Partnership, LLC (WVCP). The West Village Energy Initiative (WVEI) established a goal to achieve Zero Net Energy (ZNE) from the grid annually by full buildout of West Village. The 2013‐2014 WVEI Annual Report is a snapshot of progress towards this goal.