UC Davis Center Uncovers Light’s Potential to “Do Something Inherently Different”

In its April 25, 2013 edition, Felicity Barringer of the New York Times reports: At UC Davis, bike paths illuminated at night with a “just in time” system are designed to brighten as bicyclists approach, progressively lighting the rider’s way, and then dim back into an energy-saving mode once they have passed. This is just […]
“Zero Net Energy” Home Will Efficiently Generate and Manage Renewable Energy

American Honda Motor Co., Inc., unveiled the Honda Smart Home US project at an exciting groundbreaking event today at UC Davis. The event marked the start of the building process located at West Village that showcases Honda’s vision for sustainable, zero-carbon living and personal mobility. Envisioning a lifestyle of renewable energy for home and transportation, […]
CLTC Event to Introduce New Dual-Loop Lighting System

The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) hosted an event to celebrate the launch of the LMLS-600 on April 17 with utility partners and retail facility managers. It included a seminar on the new technology and its development, a demonstration of the dual-loop photosensor, a luncheon, and tours of CLTC’s new daylighting and LED laboratories. The […]
Cooling Expert Shows Building-Sealing Results to Top International Colleagues

By Alston Lim • UC Davis 2014 Mark Modera, director of the UC Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center, described his novel new building-sealing technology to an international audience at Washington, D.C. on April 18-19. Modera was among 40 other top heating and air conditioning experts who took part in the AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation […]
CLTC and Greenwise Joint Venture Support PG&E Grant for New Lighting Technology

By Alston Lim • UC Davis 2014 The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) at UC Davis and Greenwise Joint Venture, a local environmental non-profit, are the two main players involved in a recent PG&E grant to enhance lighting technology at the Twin Rivers Unified School District in Sacramento. The CLTC will support the $100,000 grant […]
May 7 lecture: The Evolution and Future of LEDs and Laser Diodes

The California Lighting Technology Center’s third annual Don Aumann Memorial Lecture in Lighting Efficiency took place on May 7 at UC Davis. For this presentation, Professor Shuji Nakamura discussed the past, present and future of LEDs and laser diodes, including their impact on energy conservation and lighting design. World renowned for his research and development […]
EEC Director Honored for Green Leadership

By Jonathan Mao • UC Davis 2014 Benjamin Finkelor, executive director of the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Center, has earned a 2013 Green Leadership Award from the Sacramento Business Journal. The Business Journal’s Green Leadership Awards seeks to honor those who “have a strong commitment to making the Sacramento region a thriving hub for clean […]
Eggert key player in national energy efficiency policy announcement

By Alston Lim • UC Davis 2014 Anthony Eggert, director of the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy, is part of the coalition of energy leaders who unveiled a set of recommendations on Feb. 7 designed to double U.S. energy productivity by 2030. The plan, called Energy 2030, identifies the most […]
UC Davis experts provide national leadership on LEDs

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Campus Turns Wastewater Vapor to Heat for Tercero 3 Dorm

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