Students Design Cutting-Edge Solar Home

Students Design Cutting-Edge Solar Home Outlet Full Name: Comstock’s Online News Date: 06/28/2017 News Text: Students at UC Davis are building a house. Not just any house, but a solar-powered house, one with the potential to be as affordable as…
Tesla’s China Plan Bolsters Prospects in Biggest Market for EVs

Tesla’s China Plan Bolsters Prospects in Biggest Market for EVs Outlet Full Name: Bloomberg News Online News Date: 06/20/2017 News Text:…“Tesla has Elon Musk, who is the Steve Jobs of EVs,” said Wang Yunshi, director of the China Center for Energy and Transportation at the University of California, Davis. …
EEC Features

Gunda, Siva

Siva Gunda Director of Research and the India Initiative (530) 574-2988 Siva Gunda is Director of Research and the India Initiative at the UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute. He supports the oversight of the day-to-day operations of the Institute as well as the development of its research agenda. Gunda is also currently leading […]
Labavitch, John
John Labavitch Professor Emeritus Plant Sciences Plant cell wall metabolism
Test Archived Story

Energy efficiency saves money over the long haul, by making use of what was going to waste. On a large scale, it can cut the need for expensive energy-generation projects. And it fuels a lot of jobs in California. That sort of information means a lot considering what we think will be an emphasis on […]
Test Recent Story

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — It’s a futuristic idea that’s fast approaching. Self-driving autonomous cars are an early focus of the Darrell Steinberg administration. Sacramento city leaders have applied for a first ever permit to allow testing of driverless vehicles on city streets. The application with the U.S. Department of Transportation will designate approved cities as “proving […]
Director Frank Loge Spotlights new UC Davis Study from Center for Water-Energy Efficiency in LA Times Article

A Los Angeles Times article focuses on analysis by the UC Davis Center for Water-Energy Efficiency which found that urban water conservation during California’s historic drought have saved significant amounts of electricity and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Commenting on the study in the June 7, 2016 Times’ article, CWEE Director Frank Loge said: “I think […]
Sierra magazine: UC Davis is green and cool, again

By Dave Jones Originally posted on UC Davis News So cool, so green! That’s what Sierra magazine says about the University of California, Davis — ranked No. 2 in the magazine’s 2015 “Cool Schools” report, released today (Aug. 11). This makes four out of the past five years that UC Davis has been among the […]
CCC conducts energy audit of Santa Cruz High

By Joel Hersch With all of its students out for summer break, Santa Cruz High School was almost completely quiet on Friday morning, save a small team of young California Conservation Corps members who were conducting an energy audit of the building. The seven-member team, accompanied by several state and school officials, canvassed the building, […]