UC Davis Energy News – May 2023

EEI Compares Notes on Heat Pumps with Japanese Experts Acting Executive Director Alan Meier recently visited Japan to discuss heat pump technologies and policies with staff from the government research agency,  New Energy Development Organization (NEDO). He also met with researchers from universities, research institutes, and private firms. Japan also faces serious challenges in de-carbonizing their […]

UC Davis Energy News – April 2023

WCEC Participates in the UC Davis College of Engineering Mentoring Program The UC Davis College of Engineering offers a Research, Inclusion and Mentoring Experiences program for undergraduates who are considering graduate study and/or careers in engineering research by linking them with engineering graduate students who are conducting research projects. The program aims to broaden participation in engineering […]

UC Davis Energy News – March 2023

Are Southern California students and teachers breathing clean air? The air purifier in teacher Andres’ classroom at MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School in Santa Ana was installed in 2021. But the first time the light went red no new filters could be found, a result of supply chain woes. Now, about two months after installing a […]

UC Davis Energy News – February 2023

Achieving Zero Emissions with More Mobility and Less Mining   Transportation is the number one source of carbon emissions in the United States– making the sector crucial to decarbonize quickly to limit the climate crisis. States like New York and California banned the sale of gas cars by 2035 and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act made […]

UC Davis Energy News – January 2023

CLTC Researches Residential Energy & Automation (REA) Systems The CLTC will collaborate with California’s statewide electric emerging technologies program, CalNext on REA systems. REA systems combine home-energy monitoring features with automated appliance management and control of distributed energy resources (DER) such as electric vehicle (EV) chargers, rooftop solar panels, and stationary battery energy storage (BES). […]

UC Davis Energy News – November/December 2022

Recently Published Conference Papers from the Western Cooling Efficiency Center WCEC published three papers for the Summer Study ACEEE Conference. The first paper seeks to find an optimized method for controlling heat pump water heating load flexibility that will help stabilize the electrical grid and minimize operating costs to end-users. The second paper tests a multi-function heat pump that […]

UC Davis Energy News – October 2022

The UC Davis Global Energy Managers Workshop is less than a week away! This Workshop hosts facility managers, students, and faculty from around the world to share best practices in campus energy management, carbon reduction strategies and community engagement. [View agenda and meet our speakers] Market Transformation Research Program Published Article Featured in Nature Energy […]

UC Davis Energy News – September 2022

UC Davis welcomed its sixth class of 14 Energy Graduate Group students. During their first week on campus, students participated in a PowerTrip orientation program to learn about the wide variety of energy-related research and policy work being conducted at UC Davis and in the Sacramento/Bay area through discussions with researchers and leaders from industry, government, […]