Rethinking Trade Exposure: The US Nitrogenous Fertilizer Industry
Jacob Humber from UC Davis October 28, 2015
Hurricanes and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from Bottled Water Scanner Data
Jay Shimshack from Tulane December 10, 2014
Strategic Policy Choice and State Level Regulation: The EPA’s Clean Power Plan
Stephen Holland from UNC Greensboro December 3, 2014
Drilling Like There’s No Tomorrow: Bankruptcy, Insurance, and Environmental Risk
Judd Boomhower from UC Berkeley November 19, 2014
Policy Shocks and Market-Based Regulations: Evidence from the Renewable Fuel Standard
Gabe Lade from UC Davis November 12, 2014
Clean Water Policy in the 21st Century
Cathy Kling from Iowa State November 7, 2014
Expecting the Unexpected: Emissions Uncertainty and Cap-and-Trade Market Design
Jim Bushnell from UC Davis November 5, 2014
Fueling Alternatives: Evidence from Naturalistic Driving Data
Ashley Langer from Arizona October 29, 2014
Can high-frequency data and non-experimental research designs recover causal effects? Validation using an electricity usage experiment
David Rapson from UC Davis October 8, 2014
Enforcement Spillovers: Lessons from Strategic Interactions in Regulation and Product Markets
Mary Evans from Claremont McKenna College October 7, 2014 at ARE Conference Room, 2102 Social Sciences and Humanities